The presence of liquid beneath the Titrasip would be related to one of two things:
• Overflow from the vessel
• Leaks from the tubing
Generally speaking, the rinse pump for the Titrasip should be able to pump indefinitely with no risk of overflowing over the top of the glass vessel, and this is because of the top waste line connection. That top waste line should be able to drain liquid at the same rate that the pump delivers the rinse water, but to do this it relies on a clear line with no blockages, running downhill for its full length to the drain or waste container. Often when challenges arise with overflowing, it is due to part of the drain line not running downhill, or running horizontally for too long of a distance. Since it is all gravity-based draining, any place in the line where liquid can settle makes it more difficult for liquid to drain from the vessel. The same thing occurs when growth builds up inside the waste line restricting the flow path.
There is a quick way to test whether overflowing is the source of these challenges:
1. Remove the top lid from the Titrasip vessel (storing the pH electrode in storage solution)
2. Test the drain valve with the front switch and also drain any liquid that was in the vessel before
3. Watching the vessel, use the front switch on the Titrasip to turn on the Rinse pump. Keep your finger on the switch.
4. As the vessel fills, it should reach the top connection and start draining down the waste line. The liquid level may go above the connection for a brief second before the full draining starts, but it should not near the top of the glass vessel.
a. IF it continues filling past the top connection and the liquid reaches the top of the glass vessel, turn off the pump. This would confirm that there is a draining challenge leading to overflows.
b. IF the draining occurs properly, you should see the liquid level reach a stable level at the top connection, and the pump would be able to be left on indefinitely without overflowing. This would confirm there is NOT a draining challenge and it is likely a leak in the tubing.