Will MANTECH Pro operate the hardware I currently have?

Home / FAQ / Will MANTECH Pro operate the hardware I currently have?

MANTECH Pro will operate most of the hardware you currently have. The following hardware will require an upgrade:

  1. The old-style Burivar burets will have to be upgraded to our new MANTECH Burets. Burets are operated by an IP address, unique to each Buret, and will require an Ethernet-to-USB adapter we supply (setup will vary by system).
  2. The old-style Conductivity Meters (4310) will have to upgraded to our 4510 Conductivity Meters. COM port connection is no longer on the Interface but rather through a 1-port or 2-port USB-to-Serial adapter(s) (will vary on system setup).
  3. The old-style Turbidity Meters (Turbidity AssayPlus) will have to upgraded to our T10 Turbidity Meters.
  4. Computers Operating System (OS) that is not Windows 10 will not operate MANTECH pro. Minimum computer specifications are listed here.

With the increase in USB connections to the computer, a multi-USB 3.0 hub may also be required.

PDF version for download: Required Hardware Upgrades

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