MANTECH Pro will operate most of the hardware you currently have. The following hardware will require an upgrade:
- The old-style Burivar burets will have to be upgraded to our new MANTECH Burets. Burets are operated by an IP address, unique to each Buret, and will require an Ethernet-to-USB adapter we supply (setup will vary by system).
- The old-style Conductivity Meters (4310) will have to upgraded to our 4510 Conductivity Meters. COM port connection is no longer on the Interface but rather through a 1-port or 2-port USB-to-Serial adapter(s) (will vary on system setup).
- The old-style Turbidity Meters (Turbidity AssayPlus) will have to upgraded to our T10 Turbidity Meters.
- Computers Operating System (OS) that is not Windows 10 will not operate MANTECH pro. Minimum computer specifications are listed here.
With the increase in USB connections to the computer, a multi-USB 3.0 hub may also be required.
PDF version for download: Required Hardware Upgrades
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