PeCOD® L50 COD Analyzer: Portable Field Model

Portable PeCOD L100 Travel Case, opened in car.
Person wheeling the Portable PeCOD L100 Carrying Case.

System Features

  • Small size and lightweight – PeCOD® unit weights < 2 kg
  • No sample digestion is required, making it a truly portable technique
  • Unmatched sensitivity for COD
  • Low cost per sample
  • Complete oxidation of organic species ensures accuracy and reproducibility
  • Able to analyse a wide variety of matrices – including high chloride concentrations
  • Small footprint requires minimal bench space (235 x 375 mm)
  • Convenient and durable carrying case
  • Simple to operate “Click and go” operation
  • Additional software automation options available

*Discontinued L100 model displayed

MANTECH’s PeCOD® technology provides the fastest available chemical oxygen demand (COD) analysis method in the world. The PeCOD® Portable Field Model does not use dichromate and involves no transport of toxic or hazardous reagents.

In addition to the PeCOD® core unit features, the system can also function as a field portable unit. Just add the battery and carrying case and COD can now be measured in the field, with safe and green reagents.

Visit MANTECH’s resource database for more info on COD analysis systems