MANTECH is pleased to announce that in response to correspondence from our valued Canadian Customers, we now offer systems, parts and services direct in Canada.
MANTECH manufactures Automated Environmental Titration, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Systems. With greater than 2,300 analyzers generating more than 500,000 results every day, Laboratories and Industrial Plants have come to trust and depend on MANTECH systems. Independent auditors have also recommended MANTECH systems. Product and resource information is available at
With direct access to MANTECH, end users will benefit from manufacturer direct pricing and support. Note that effective January 1, 2019 MANTECH will be the exclusive supplier of the systems, parts and consumables, therefore, our team is ready to support you with quotations and vendor intake requirements. Simply email us at
For a formal quotation, please send an email with your request to Pricing inquiries and orders can be emailed to or call 519-763-4245 x324. Both purchase orders and credit card orders are acceptable for simple procurement.
At any time let us know if you have any questions. You may also contact us at via this link. We look forward to hearing from you! We sincerely appreciate your trust and business.