How do inorganic compounds affect PeCOD® COD determination?

Home / FAQ / How do inorganic compounds affect PeCOD® COD determination?

The following tables summarize the impact of a range of common inorganic anions and cations on the determination of COD using the PeCOD® technique. You can download this FAQ as a pdf document at this link.

For each inorganic species, solutions containing 0, 20, 50, 100, 250, 500 ppm (by mass) of the anion or cation, 60ppm COD (as sorbitol) and 1M LiNO3 (containing 20ppm COD spike) were prepared and analyzed, unless otherwise stated. Therefore, the below ion concentrations represent the concentration IN THE CELL (i.e. if analyzed in a different range, the interference levels may vary due to different electrolyte dilution effects).


Anions Formula Remark
Ammonium NH4+ No interference for NH4+ ≤ 500 ppm

Note: Similar results are obtained for Ammonia

Carbonate CO32- No interference for CO32- ≤ 500ppm using chloride resistant sensor
Chlorate ClO3 No interference for ClO3 ≤ 500ppm
Chloride Cl No interference for Cl < 200 ppm. COD reduced by up to 20% at Cl- levels of 500ppm using Chloride resistant sensor. Other halides (F-, Br-, I-) would be expected to behave in the same manner
Nitrate NO3 No interference, NO3 can be used as PeCOD electrolyte
Nitrite NO2 No interference for NO2 ≤ 500ppm
Perchlorate ClO4 No interference, ClO4 can be used as PeCOD electrolyte
Phosphate PO43- No interference for PO43- ≤ 500ppm
Sulfate SO42- No interference for SO42- ≤ 500ppm
Sulfite SO32- Interference for SO3 ≥ 20 ppm, giving COD high by 90% at 250 ppm SO32-
Sulfide S2- Interference for S2- > 0 ppm, giving COD high by >100% at 50 ppm S2-


Cations Formula Remark
Aluminum Al3+ No interference for Al3+ ≤ 500ppm
Calcium Ca2+ No interference for Ca2+ ≤ 500ppm
Chromate Cr3+ Interference for Cr3+ > 2 ppm, giving low COD
Ferric Iron Fe3+ No interference for Fe3+ ≤ 500ppm
Ferrous Iron Fe2+ Interference for Fe2+ > 100 ppm, giving low COD
Magnesium Mg2+ No interference for Mg2+ ≤ 500ppm
Potassium K+ No interference for K+ ≤ 500ppm
Silver Ag+ Interference for Ag+ > 10 ppm, giving low COD
Sodium Na+ No interference for Na+ ≤ 500ppm
Zinc Zn2+ No interference for Zn2+ ≤ 500ppm
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