ManSci has been MANTECH’s distributor for over 10 years. Following the acquisition in October 2020, ManSci is now MANTECH (USA) Inc. and a a wholly owned subsidiary of MANTECH. The exceptional [...]
To get in contact with a representative regarding support for MANTECH products, please send an email to [email protected] or call us at +1-519-763-4245.
To contact MANTECH regarding product information and general inquiries, you may call us at +1-519-763-4245 or send an email to [email protected]. You may also reach out to us directly through [...]
Watch this short and informative demonstration on how to replace the membrane on an Orion ammonia ion selective electrode (ISE).
The following steps will outline how to correctly homogenize a water/wastewater sample for analysis with the PeCOD. Homogenize the raw sample for 2 minutes. Ensure you are using at least 50mL or [...]
To safely store or ship your MANTECH pH electrode, first fill the electrode with fill solution and fill the storage boot ¾ full with fill solution. Then, insert the probe into the boot and screw [...]
The YSI 4010 MultiLab IDS meter will store the records for the last 10 calibrations performed on the meter. The instructions for retrieving these calibrations can be found on Technical Bulletin [...]
The tubing used in MANTECH peristaltic and metering pumps is compatible with many types of chemicals. The following is a list of chemicals that are not recommended to be used with MANTECH [...]
MANTECH recommends storing pH and other electrodes immersed in a 1:10 dilution of pH 4 buffer in Tap Water. Conductivity electrodes can be stored in air for system configurations that do not [...]
For optimal performance the flow cell should be cleaned from once a year to once a month, depending on the type of samples being analysed. Manually pump 50 ml of 0.1 N Hydrochloric Acid into the [...]