IntelliRinse™ is beneficial because it uses real-time measurement to provide confirmation that your probes are 100% clean, eliminating chances of cross-contamination. Active IntelliRinse™ systems [...]
If all samples fail the final DO rule, the software will report the value for the sample with the highest dilution (lowest sample volume) and display a greater than (>) symbol. If all samples [...]
MANTECH Burets have a static IP address assigned to them. These addresses can be changed if there are communication issues between the Buret and the software. To avoid IP address conflicts, [...]
The reason you may have negative conductivity values at the low end is that there is a PC-Titrate software calibration being applied on the raw conductivity values from the meter. They are not [...]
The L50 PeCOD® Analyzer is applicable for benchtop and portable use, with the incorporation of an external battery and carrying case. The L50 weighs less than 7kg and measures 280mm x 210mm x [...]
An investment in the safe, green, and fast PeCOD Analyzer and method includes the PeCOD L50 Analyzer, starter kits, and consumables. This is typically packed in two cartons with the following [...]
Most MANTECH electrodes are connected to the Interface module via a BNC cable with a detachable S7 connection. This S7 connection is located at the electrode cable junction, allowing for easy [...]
A Method Detection Limit (MDL) is defined in slightly differring ways by the US EPA, and the APHA. The definitions are briefly described below: MDL as per US EPA: The method detection limit (MDL) [...]
How does MANTECH account for temperature compensation and correction in conductivity measurements?
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Conductivity is a temperature dependent measurement. All substances have a conductivity coefficient which varies from 1% per °C to 3% per °C for most commonly occurring substances. The automatic [...]
4-pole sensors have a much broader linear measurement range and are not sensitive to contamination.