What are the PeCOD electrolyte and calibrant solutions composed of?

Home / FAQ / What are the PeCOD electrolyte and calibrant solutions composed of?

The PeCOD electrolyte solution is mainly composed of a low-concentration lithium nitrate solution. The PeCOD calibrant and check standard solutions supplied by MANTECH are composed of sorbitol.  These solutions contain a trade recipe preservative that allow for the longer shelf life, compared to solutions prepared manually. Calibrant and check standard solutions prepared manually, following the PeCOD Standard Recipe, can be used for up to two weeks.

View the PeCOD electrolyte slurry SDS here.

View the PeCOD calibrant slurry SDS here.

View the PeCOD QC check standard slurry SDS here.

View the PeCOD blank slurry SDS here.

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