What is the difference between chemical oxygen demand and biochemical oxygen demand?

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Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) analysis is a measurement of the oxygen-depletion capacity of a water sample contaminated with organic waste matter. Specifically, it measures the equivalent amount of oxygen required to chemically oxidize organic compounds in water. The traditional COD method is the wet chemistry method, dichromate COD (CODCr). This involves a two hour digestion at high heat under acidic conditions and involves hazardous chemicals such as mercury and dichromate.

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), also often referred to as biological oxygen demand, is a test performed to measure the potential of wastewater and other waters to deplete the oxygen level of receiving waters. The BOD test involves taking an initial dissolved oxygen (DO) reading and a second reading after five days of incubation at 20°C. For this reason, this test is often written as BOD5 for short.

MANTECH has developed an automated COD method utilizing a new, rapid and green technology called the PeCOD® COD Analyzer. This method directly measures the amount of oxidizable material in a sample via photoelectrochemical oxidation in a microcell, eliminating the need for time-consuming digestion and hazardous chemicals as only an electrolyte solution is required for analysis.


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