What is the difference between membrane and optical DO probes?

Home / FAQ / What is the difference between membrane and optical DO probes?

MANTECH supports both membrane and optical DO probes as both are approved by SM 5210B.

Maintenance – The main benefit of optical over membrane is the maintenance aspect.

  • Membrane probes are much more sensitive to storage conditions, operating practices, and the membranes need to be changed quite often.
  • Optical sensor caps last a lot longer and storage is not as critical, though our systems do still store automatically regardless of probe type.

Stability Time

  • Stability timing for each measurement is similar, can take a bit longer for optical vs membrane.
  • Stability of the measurements over an entire run or between multiple runs is better with the optical.

For these reasons, MANTECH recommends the optical probe and ~90% of MANTECH customers use optical probes. Ultimately, it is your preference and MANTECH BOD systems support either probe.

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