What is the Time of Analysis for Different Parameters?

Home / FAQ / What is the Time of Analysis for Different Parameters?

The timing for analysis of different parameters depends on a few different factors, like the concentration of the sample and the equipment used.

Another factor is the total available sample volume in the vessel on the AutoMax Autosampler bed. With some combinations of parameters, larger sample volume allows for simultaneous measurements, resulting in faster total analysis time than sequential measurement.  A larger sample volume may require a larger sample cup, which decreases capacity on the same model Autosampler.  In some, the cases the same set of parameters can be analyzed in 2-5 minutes faster when using the 125ml cups vs 50ml tubes.

It is important to understand your customers’ requirements in terms of capacity and throughput speed, total batch capacity required and/or daily sample loads and if overnight, unattended analyses will be applicable.

*** Note that all times of analysis are halved if Dual-Analysis option is included with system***

Individual Parameters

Combined Parameters

MT-10 & MT-30 Models

MT-100 Model

* Alkalinity titrations may take between 1-3 minutes depending on sample concentration. Times estimated assuming 50ppm alkalinity concentration.

EC = Electrical Conductivity


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