Release Notes
The new MANTECH Pro software is available for purchase with new systems or as a software upgrade from PC-Titrate.
MANTECH Pro is only compatible with Windows 10 or 11 computers. Click here to see the minimum computer specifications required.
Looking to upgrade to MANTECH Pro? Click on Required Hardware Upgrades for more information.
There are multiple benefits to MANTECH Pro, including the following items:
Simple Setup and Installation
- MANTECH Pro is easy to install and to update when newer versions are released.
- Windows Update is not required to be disabled.
- Virtualizing file and registry in User Account Control no longer needs to be disabled.
- The database is simpler to manage as it is one file to transfer. No need to worry about zipping a database together for emails.
- The database is compatible to Windows 10 or 11 computers.
- Setting up the hardware and checking connections is easy in MANTECH Pro. Buret connections and IP addresses can be checked during hardware setup.
- Connections are set to the computer directly for independent functioning and testing.
- Manual control can be isolated for each piece of hardware.
User Friendly Software that is Customized to You
- Shortcuts in MANTECH Pro are customizable. You can upload your own images and organize them under different headings. Changes to saved shortcuts can be done directly on the run table.
- Changes made to subscripts are applied globally to all relevant main scripts. Subscripts can also be viewed in the main scripts in order to check changes.
- Creating a new script can be done easily, without a large learning curve. Applications are named similarly to PC-Titrate, which allows for applicable previous knowledge base from the customer.
- If the connections are not set to the same communication port, PC-Titrate and MANTECH Pro can be run on the same computer without interference.
- The database and the scripts included are customized to your specific methods and hardware. New features can be added with our software team’s expertise.
Special Features
- Script actions or shortcuts can be used to link to files or webpages, including training videos or user manuals.
- Saving changes to scripts and/or templates create Subversions
- Comments can be written every time the user save changes, and date/time is automatically allocated – Great for Auditing!
- Alerts can be setup to send over email or text message.
- Run errors will be explained and highlighted within the script actions, making it easy to troubleshoot any issues.
- Before a run, the hardware that will be used for that run is homed without the need for a script action. The run does not start if the hardware is not connected.
- Search function makes it easy to find specific scripts and subscripts.
- During a run, MANTECH Pro can still be used for other functions, like writing a new script, loading a calibration method, or viewing past runs.
- Titration stopping criteria can be changed, saved, and applied to the current run without interruptions.
- Reporting is based off of the most recent run. The search data function can be used to easily find sample details, and data can be saved from the reporting tab if a hard copy is lost.
- MANTECH Pro will automatically perform Meter Calibrations without requiring the USER to interact with the meter.
Important Notes
- For customers upgrading from PC-Titrate:
- Burets must be upgraded from old-style (Burivar I and II) to our new MANTECH Burets.
- Conductivity meter must be upgrade from old-style 4310 model to our new 4510 model.
- Burets and Conductivity Meters no longer connect directly to the Interface:
- Burets will be configured through Ethernet to USB adapter with an associated IP address for each Buret being used.
- Conductivity meters will require 1-port or 2-port serial to USB adapters (setup will vary depending on system).
- Regarding MANTECH Pro software:
- If a computer was not purchased with your system and/or performing a software upgrade from PC-Titrate, click here for instructions on how to configure your database to MANTECH Pro.
- It is required that the Region and Regional Format settings to be set to US/Canada and English (US/Canada) respectively.
- To operate MANTECH Pro, administrative permissions are not required to operate the software.
- Easy access to your database by any user
- Regarding Email Alerts and Updates:
- The computer operating MANTECH Pro must be connected to the internet to send alerts and download updates.
- Alert emails are being sent from to either the user email and/or additional emails depending on the alert configuration.
- Depending on the email system, and/or if emails are sent in rapid succession daily, these alerts may be flagged as spam.
- It is possible that alerts may be sent to your “Junk” inbox.
- After updates are downloaded, administrative permission is needed to install the updates.
- If installing the updates manually, which are found in the Downloads folder on the computer, be sure to close the software before updating.
- The computer operating MANTECH Pro must be connected to the internet to send alerts and download updates.
- All usernames and templates must be unique. The following examples are edited to “Test” if there are extra spaces before/after the word, and will cause errors if not avoided:
“Test”” Test”“Test “” Test “
- Meets 21 CFR Part 11 requirements.
PDF Version for download: Mantech Pro Release Notes
For further details, please contact the MANTECH technical team at