YSI BOD Analyst Pro and MANTECH BOD Pro Software

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Comparison of YSI BOD Analyst Pro & MANTECH BOD Pro Software

Performing BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) analysis manually can be very time-consuming, which makes software for BOD analysis a useful tool for analysts to efficiently manage their BOD data and streamline the analysis process. BOD analysis software can provide analysts with more time for urgent tasks by performing calculations, recording DO readings, and more. In addition, it can help reduce human error for more reproducible results. Updates to modern operating systems have made some BOD analysis software, such as YSI BOD Analyst Pro software outdated.


YSI BOD Analyst Pro Software

YSI’s current software, BOD Analyst Pro can perform calculations, create bench sheets from established samples and groups. Data collected directly through direct connection to their DO meters can be saved in the software for easy retrieval. These are all features that can help streamline BOD analysis.

However, this software is only compatible with Windows XP, Vista and 7. There is no sign that any new updates will be made for it to become compatible with Windows 10 or 11. Instead, laboratories looking to update their operating systems are now being directed to use downloadable excel sheets for their data management.

Importance of BOD Analysis Software Compatible with Windows 10 & 11

MANTECH BOD Pro Software Homepage

To ensure optimal software functionality, it is important for analysis software to be compatible with current operating systems, such as Windows 10 and 11. Due to increases in cyber security attacks, Microsoft’s newer operating systems feature automatic security updates.

In the past, older software packages could turn off security updates to operate, but this is no longer possible with modern operating systems. Unfortunately, this has led IT departments to take analyzers off their secure laboratory networks. This leaves them vulnerable to viruses which could lead to corrupt databases and requires analysts to manually upload data to their LIMS. Read more


Issues With Using Excel Sheets Instead of BOD Analysis Software

Using excel sheets is not ideal as it can take up an analyst’s time and increases the risk of errors occurring. For instance, analysts must create their own templates and manually input their own data which can be tedious.  Additionally, if formulas are deleted or incorrect values are input into the spreadsheet, final reports would include invalid results and require a redo. Without audit trails, identifying errors and when they occur is difficult when using excel sheets. By comparison, software capable of performing audit trails makes it easy to track analysis and identify errors as they occur.


MANTECH’s BOD Analysis Software

Streamlines BOD Analysis While Maintaining Security

MANTECH’s BOD Pro Software, assists analysts by performing calculations, recording data, and reducing human error. If necessary, analysts can look up historical data within the software and perform audit trails to identify any errors of analysis. For improved security and audit trails, customizable permissions and settings can be assigned to individual user accounts. Moreover, the BOD standard method is already built into the software, therefore reducing the risk of formulas becoming deleted.

Since this software was designed for Windows 10 and 11, it allows for automatic security updates associated with modern operating systems without it needing to be turned off. As a result, analysis continues while updates occur and reduces any downtime associated with removing the software from a laboratory’s secure network.

YSI MultiLab 4010-3W Meter

Direct Connection to YSI MultiLab 4010 -W Series DO Meters

BOD Pro software can connect to a YSI MultiLab 4010-W series DO Meters with available single, dual, or triple probe options. DO readings from these YSI meters are automatically recorded and stored in the software.

Alternative meters can operate with BOD Pro software but require manual data entry. Users will still get the added benefits of automatic calculations and security updates associated with this software.

MANTECH BOD Pro Software - BOD Final ReportFeatures Flexible Reporting

Analysts can customize report templates available within BOD Pro software according to the needs of their laboratory. Reports generated from the software are available in CSV or PDF file formats making it easy to export them to any LIMS and laboratory network. This also works for importing data into the software as well which can help further streamline the analysis process.

Includes Continual Additions of New Features & Improvements

MANTECH’s in-house software development team is constantly working on new features requested by our customers.  They are open to any suggestions to make the software more optimized for the BOD analysis process. Any new features and improvements made to BOD Pro software are provided to customers of this software at no extra cost.

Automated MANTECH BOD System

Additional Automation Available

MANTECH has multiple options for automation to suit every laboratory’s unique needs including:

  • Automated addition of dilution water, seed and/or inhibitor (ATU)
  • Sample transfer to dilution bottles
  • Automatic pH adjustment
  • MANTECH’S auto-samplers for analysis of more samples



Interested in Streamlining Your BOD Analysis with BOD Pro Software? Fill out the form below to contact us.

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