Updating to Windows 10 or 11? Here’s What You Need to Know

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Are you experiencing difficulties turning off automatic updates for Win10 and Win11 Pro OS? Increased threats of cyber-attacks have resulted in Microsoft making several security-related changes with the release of Windows 10 Pro and Windows 11 Pro operating systems (OS). As a result of these changes, laboratory equipment software that has been optimized for earlier versions of Windows OS are being impacted and, in some cases, not functioning. A Eurofins location, that uses a separate system, recently experienced a system shut down due to an IT software update on their analyzers that are not configured for modern operating systems. Operators at utilities, industrial facilities, and laboratories all around the world rely on this equipment to make decisions that directly impact public health and environmental protection. Bottom line, operators need reliable and robust equipment that is supported through Windows 10 Pro and Windows 11 Pro operating system updates.


So, What’s Going On With Windows 10 & 11

To ensure their customer’s sensitive and crucial information is protected from any threats, Windows 10 Pro and Window 11 Pro users are no longer able to turn off security updates. Before users were able to manually disable this feature so that outdated systems and software packages can continue to function. Now, if users manually turn off security updates Microsoft automatically turns these settings back on. IT departments are now having to take analyzers off their secured networks. This not only leaves these analyzers vulnerable to viruses leading to corrupt databases but also requires analysts to manually upload data to their LIMS.

Attn: PC-Titrate & PC-BOD Users

As a result of the major security updates Microsoft has implemented, MANTECH cannot guarantee that PC-Titrate and PC-BOD will operate if updated to Windows 10 Pro and Windows 11 Pro operating systems. MANTECH is offering trade-in offers through 2022 for existing systems to upgrade to new software.

How Do MANTECH’s Software Packages Stack Up?

Unlike PC-Titrate, PC-BOD and standard laboratory software packages which are optimized for Windows XP OS and Windows 7 OS, MANTECH’s BOD Pro and MANTECH Pro software packages are designed for Windows 10 Pro OS and Windows 11 Pro OS. Software packages designed for Win10 and Win11 Pro OS come with several advantages:

  • Since the discontinuation of Windows 7, Microsoft is no longer offering security updates for the operating systems leaving networks more susceptible to cyber-attacks.
  • Latest OS updates enhance computer and software performance.
  • Peace of mind that security updates are properly deployed to all computers on the network.
  • Ensure computers remain connecting to the network thereby eliminating manually uploading data to LIMS.

MANTECH is committed to continuously improving our products and services. MANTECH Pro and BOD Pro software users can expect ongoing feature drops and performance updates free of charge!


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Contact our team today for a free demo, quote or trade-in offer!

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