In March of 2019, an MT-100 was installed in an environmental laboratory stationed at an abandoned mine care and maintenance project in Faro, Yukon Territories, Canada. The MT-100 is being used [...]
Water is one of the most essential building blocks of life on Earth, and it is also one of the most vulnerable resources to impacts from human development. We are intrinsically tied to our [...]
Vitamin C Method Abstract #87 Scope and Application This method determines the ascorbic acid content of aqueous solutions. This method conforms to AOAC Official Method 967.21. Method Summary This [...]
Reducing Sugars in Wine Method Abstract #20 Scope and Application This method determines the quantity of reducing sugars in wine samples. This method is a variation of Rebelein’s (Gold Coast) [...]
Fluoride by Standard Addition Method Abstract #48 Scope and Application This method determines the concentration of fluoride ions in a sample and helps overcome sample matrix difficulties. Method [...]
Kappa Number Determination Method Abstract #73 Scope and Application This method determines the Kappa number of pulp/paper samples by determining the amount of lignin in the sample. This method [...]
MANTECH is pleased to announce that in response to correspondence from our valued Canadian Customers, we now offer systems, parts and services direct in Canada. MANTECH manufactures Automated [...]
Drinking Water Treatment Plants (WTPs) have been accurately referred to as one of the last safeguards for human health. Having access to safe, clean water whenever needed is something that is [...]
MANTECH continues to see success in the Agricultural/Soil testing industry, with a recent sale to a customer in Othello, WA. This system utilizes the signature ‘Dual-Probe’ method to speed up [...]
There have been a great number of methods developed to test soils and determine quality. While some of these tests are available for farmers to perform on-site, most farmers send soil samples out [...]