Method Abstract #1
Scope and Application
This method conforms to MOECC Method E3515 and ASTM D8084-17. Sample types include drinking water, wastewater, source and natural water, and industry specific water streams
Method Summary
The PeCOD® is a unique nanotechnology based photo-electrochemical technique to determine soluble chemical oxygen demand (COD) in natural and wastewater samples in a simple, rapid, direct and absolute fashion. The PeCOD® approach utilizes photocurrent/charge originating from oxidizing organic species contained in the sample to quantify COD.
Quality Control
Validation of analytical principle, showing the quantitative relationship between the net charge and the concentration of organic compounds; 1: p-chlorophenol; 2: potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP); 3: methanol; 4: d-glucose; 5: malonic acid; 6: succinic acid; 7: glutaric acid; 8: glycine.