World Water Monitoring Day: Protecting Global Water Resources

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What is World Water Monitoring Day?

Every year, since 2003, September 18th is recognized as World Water Monitoring Day. This global educational program aims to build public awareness and involvement in protecting precious water resources around the world. An entire day dedicated to maintaining clean water worldwide water is something we, at MANTECH, can get behind. Drinking and wastewater facilities, both public and private, all over the world rely on MANTECH products to report crucial water quality parameters for public health and the environment. These water quality parameters include temperature, pH (acidity), turbidity (clarity), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total organic carbon (TOC) and more.

Global Water Resources

World Water Monitoring Day reminds us of the importance of maintaining clean water resources. Based on a UN report published in 2015, 2.1 billion people globally lack safe water at home. Of these people, 263 million spend more than 30 minutes per round trip collecting water. Furthermore, 159 million drink water directly from surface sources, such as streams or lakes. Unlike the water you drink for your tap, untreated water from streams and lakes can cause a variety of illnesses, such as giardia and dysentery, as well as common symptoms of water-borne illness including nausea, cramping, and diarrhea. The water you drink for your tap is highly regulated and is treated through an extensive process (outlined in this video) to ensure it is safe for public consumption and free of harmful bacteria and viruses.

It’s Time for Action

Water pollution is a serious environmental problem and learning how to identify and prevent it is more important with every passing year. From reducing our waste at home, being mindful of our water and carbon footprint, and advocating for policymakers to put water and climate change at the forefront, it’s time for action. How you can do your part:

  • Pick up trash in your neighborhood, at the park or while out running errands
  • Taking frequent water samples from your tap. You can purchase low-cost test kits here:
  • Talk to your local municipality
  • Avoid the use of pesticides
  • Dispose of toxic chemicals properly
  • Do not pour fat and grease down the drain
  • Use phosphate-free detergent and dish cleaner
  • Support environmental charities like MANTECH’s charitable partner, IISD’s Experimental Lakes Area. To learn more or donate visit:

For more ways to reduce your impact on water pollution visit:

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