Efficient Investment and Management by Water and Wastewater Utilities Protects Public Health

Home / News / Efficient Investment and Management by Water and Wastewater Utilities Protects Public Health

Every day, it is abundantly clear that our society depends on clean water for our way of life. In times of crisis, these needs become even more important, as ensuring the protection of Public Health through our water infrastructure is a critical step to containing and preventing outbreaks. We thank our water and wastewater operators for their diligent work in providing safe, clean drinking water while protecting our beautiful environment.

When a city invests in Water and Wastewater infrastructure and improvements, it has a direct positive impact on the population’s quality of life. An excellent example of this is in Guayaquil, Ecuador, where a recent project is supporting national efforts to improve sanitation services and reduce wastewater pollution. This Article, posted by the Water Network Research group, details the challenges that Guayaquil faces, and the holistic approach they are taking to improve management of their water systems. Below is an excerpt from the article:

Home to ​Ecuador’s ​largest urban ​population and ​a major port, ​Guayaquil is ​located on the ​west bank of ​the Guayas ​River, which ​flows into the ​Pacific Ocean. ​Sewage ​pollution in ​the rivers and ​estuaries has ​plagued the ​city for ​decades, but ​the recent ​investments in ​wastewater ​collection and ​treatment are ​already ​producing ​concrete ​improvements in ​water quality ​and pollution ​reduction. ​

Now, ​Guayaquil is ​taking action ​to improve its ​water and ​wastewater ​infrastructure ​with the ​World Bank support, and it is ​quickly ​becoming a ​model for ​others in the ​region. ​

Based on its ​experience in ​other parts of ​Latin America ​and globally, ​the Bank has ​promoted and ​facilitated the ​incorporation ​of a holistic ​approach to ​wastewater ​management, ​particularly in ​the following ​areas: ​

  • Ensuring that ​the project ​covers all the ​building blocks ​of a safe ​sanitation ​service chain, ​including ​wastewater ​treatment ​infrastructure, ​sewerage ​network ​rehabilitation ​and coverage ​extensions to ​the poor, as ​well as ​assistance in ​helping ​customers ​rearrange their ​internal ​plumbing and ​sanitation ​fixtures to ​effectively ​connect to the ​network. This ​builds on the ​existing ​connection ​methodology ​developed in ​Guayaquil using ​social ​interventions ​and public ​awareness ​raising on ​sanitation-​related issues. ​This methodology ​and knowledge ​are actively ​shared with ​other utilities ​at the regional ​and global ​levels and ​considered best ​practice. ​
  • Including the ​monitoring of ​water quality ​in areas ​upstream of the ​city, to ​support the ​utility in ​optimizing its ​water treatment ​operations, ​improving ​sanitation ​investment ​planning, as ​well as ​ultimately ​increasing ​accountability ​for pollution ​and environmental ​awareness. ​
  • Developing an ​integrated ​urban water ​management ​approach for ​the planning of ​urban ​development in ​growing areas ​of the city ​which are ​currently less ​consolidated ​and require ​interventions ​in urban ​drainage and ​wastewater ​management. ​

MANTECH is proud to offer a wide range of Analzyers that enable public utilities and private companies to automate testing and monitoring of water/wastewater in the most efficient manner possible. MANTECH’s MT-Series Systems perform automated Titration and Multi-Parameter analysis from a single sample vessel, and run unattended to produce hundreds of trusted, accurate results per run. The PeCOD Analyzer provides a rapid, accurate measure of COD, BOD, or NOM utilizing a simple green method that can be implemented directly in treatment plants. MANTECH’s Automated BOD Systems automates the 5 or 7-day BOD test according to Standard Methods, and can be coupled with rapid BOD estimation via PeCOD to provide an optimized solution that increases lab throughput while decreasing requirements for hands-on work by laboratory technicians.

MT-100 AM122 pH Conductivity Alkalinity

Please Contact MANTECH for more information or quotations, we look forward to hearing from you!


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