Method Abstract #132 – Sulfide by Direct Measure

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Sulfide by Direct Measure

Method Abstract #132

Scope and Application

This method conforms to Standard Method 4500-S2 G and ASTM D 4658. It determines the concentration of sulfide ions in a water sample.

Method Summary

The concentration of sulfide is determined by a silver/sulfide ion selective electrode. After calibrating with known standards, the sample’s response can be compared to the calibration curve and a concentration determined. An alkaline antioxidant reagent (AAR) may be added to samples and standards to inhibit oxidation of sulfide by oxygen and to provide a constant ionic strength and pH.

Sample Calibration Curve

Method Performance

*Data for this measuring range was obtained using laboratory prepared standards formulated from potassium chloride. The measuring range may be increased by using larger capacity analysis vessels and/or auto-dilution.

**The Method Detection Limit (MDL) was determined based on data obtaining a coefficient of variance better than 30%.  Results may differ depending on laboratory practices and sample matrix.


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