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ASTM D8084-17 Standard Test Method for Photoelectrochemical Oxygen Demand of Freshwater Sources for Drinking Water Treatment Plants and Treated Drinking Water The full method is available for [...]
Sewer Use By-law Enforcement: BOD Pre-Screening PeCOD® Case Study #16 Wastewater treatment plants are designed to process an expected average organic loading in the raw influent. This is [...]
Real Time Chemical Oxygen Demand Measurement [dropcap]I[/dropcap]IN THIS ARTICLE WE REVIEW THE BLOOM CENTRE for Sustainability study which outlines applications for the PeCOD® Analyzer in the [...]
Improved Wastewater Treatment & Mill Performance with New COD Monitoring Technology MANTECH’s mission is to generate the highest quality results in the shortest amount of time with the goal [...]
BOD Dissolved Oxygen Study for Capped vs. Uncapped Bottles Application Bulletin # 5 NEW in 2020: Automated BOD with 10 minute BOD estimator Packages – ALL in ONE Introduction: The purpose of [...]
Free and Total Sulfites in Wine Method Abstract #17 Scope and Application This method determines the concentration of free and total sulfites in wine. It conforms to AOAC Official Method 892.02. [...]
Total Acidity in Wine Method Abstract #8 Scope and Application This method conforms to AOAC Official Method 962.12. It determines the total or titratable acidity (TA) in wine, which is generally [...]
New MANTECH Turbidity Flow Cell and Method MDL: 0.1 NTU Range: <0.5 – 2,000 NTU Calibrations only required every 1-3 months. STABLE! Why does MANTECH’s automated turbidity work so well? The [...]